Mod Muses

I was sitting in my reading nook by the bedroom window. I had just finished Orla Kiely’s terrific book called Pattern. I was diving into Chronicle Book’s In Pattern: Marimekko. It was a frigid day, but the sky was blue and the sun was streaming in. I turned to look for my two feline muses: Henry and Percy. (Henry is a Russian blue with one good eye. Percy is a grey and white tuxedo.) I was astonished to see these two fellas lounging on my mustard yellow bedspread with the most amazing mid-century modern shadow cast behind them on my wall. It was from the sun shining through the gate to the fire escape. A shadow pattern! While I was reading about pattern design! Wow! I take that as a very good sign. I grabbed my iPhone and tried to capture the moment. Here are the groovy results:

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